About us
Who we are
Equally Safe at Work is an innovative employer accreditation programme developed by Close the Gap, Scotland’s expert policy advocacy organisation working on women’s labour market equality. It supports employers to improve their employment practice to advance gender equality at work and prevent violence against women.
Our programme was developed to support the delivery of Equally Safe, Scotland’s national strategy for eradicating violence against women and girls. It was piloted in seven local authorities in 2019-2020 and later also piloted in the NHS and third sector. With violence against women being both a cause and consequence of gender inequality, our programme was formed with the recognition that addressing gender inequality in the workplace is key to tackling violence against women.
Equally Safe at Work is overseen by an expert advisory group, which includes members: Scottish Government, COSLA, Improvement Service, Public Health Scotland, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Scottish Women’s Rights Centre.

Equally Safe at Work is delivered by Close the Gap
Close the Gap is Scotland’s expert policy advocacy organisation working on women’s labour market participation. Close the Gap has been working with employers, policymakers, trade unions, and employees for two decades to influence and enable action to address the causes of women’s inequality at work.
More information on Close the Gap’s work is available on our website.